"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Archive for October, 2013
Joseph P. Federici, Accomplished Lawyer & Naval Academy Coach, Joins Firm
RJ Gaudet & Associates LLC is pleased to announce that Joseph (“Joe”) P. Federici recently joined the firm as Of Counsel. Mr. Federici will assist the firm with various cases. Mr. Federici is an American lawyer, licenced in New Jersey. He is based in Afghanistan. From that base, he conducts legal research, works on briefs, provides legal advice, and leads a committee of over 600 lawyers belonging to the American Bar Association’s International Human Rights Committee.
Robert J. Gaudet, Jr. is glad to have Mr. Federici as a colleague. Mr. Gaudet says, “Joe has all the qualities of a great lawyer: he’s detailed, calm and creative. From past experience, I can say Joe is reliable and a hard-worker. And of course, we share a common interest in Human Rights. He is a great guy.”

Ingrid Detter de Frankopan, Robert J. Gaudet, Jr., Karin Asmus, Joseph P. Federici at a conference on class actions in the European Parliament, Brussels, November 2012.
Mr. Federici and Mr. Gaudet met through the International Human Rights Committee, which is part of the Section of International Law of the American Bar Association. Mr. Gaudet was co-chair of the committee when Mr. Federici joined several years ago. In the past couple of months, Mr. Federici became co-chair of the committee. Mr. Federici met members of the firm at a two-day ABA conference on “Increasing Access to Justice Through E.U. Class Actions: A Conference For Policy-Makers and Litigators” that Mr. Federici and Mr. Gaudet organized within the European Parliament in Brussels in November 2012. Karin Asmus, who also helped organize the conference, met Mr. Federici over the phone during preparatory meetings and, later, in person in Brussels. Prof. Dr. Ingrid Detter de Frankopan, who is Of Counsel, moderated a panel discussion on Class Actions to Enforce Environmental Law.
Mr. Federici graduated from Rutgers School of Law in 2008 and, then, served as a law clerk to the Hon. Benjamin C. Telsey, J.S.C. Mr. Federici previously worked for The Williams Law Firm, P.A. and Wise and Donahue, PLC. Mr. Federici currently works for the American University of Afghanistan. From 2008-2012, Mr. Federici was the head coach of the University of Delaware Men’s Lightweight Crew team. He was recognized as “Mid-Atlantic Coach of the Year” by the American Collegiate Rowing Association. From 2012-2013, Mr. Federici served as the assistant coach of the United States Naval Academy lightweight rowing team in Annapolis, Maryland. His biography is available at this link.
Mr. Federici has assisted RJ Gaudet & Associates LLC with a complex litigation against over 20 defendants in a federal court in California. He has conducted legal research and drafted a brief in opposition to a dispositive motion. According to Mr. Gaudet, “I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Joe. He thinks clearly and identifies issues that require closer inspection. He is easy to work with.” The members of the firm are enthusiastic to have an opportunity to share their interest in human rights and advocacy with Mr. Federici.